Форма регестрации
BlackAndWhite | Дата: Понедельник, 10.08.2009, 18:09 | Сообщение # 1 |
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 434
| Пользователи>>Форма регестрации пользоватилей>>заменяем все на мое Так же в регестрации имеються проверка логина и сложность пороля!!! Code <TABLE border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" width="100%" class="manTable" id="siM63"><TBODY><TR id="siM1"><TD colspan="2" align="center" class="manTdError" id="siM2"></TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><!--ENDIF--><?if($LOGIN_FL$)?><TR id="siM42"><TD class="manTd1" width="35%" id="siM43"><IMG src="http://forucoz.com/mpr/uname.png" border="0" alt="">$LOGIN_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM44"><INPUT type="text" id="siF13" class="manFlLogin" name="user" value="" size="20" style="width:200px" maxlength="25" onchange="PrepareLoginToChecking();SubmitLoginToCheck()"> <IFRAME name="lf" src="/index/8-0-*" height="1px" width="1px" frameborder="0" onload="GetMessageAboutAvailableLogin()"></IFRAME> <INPUT type="hidden" id="tch" value="*"> <SPAN id="msg"></SPAN> <script>
function PrepareLoginToChecking() { var original=("-").split("*") var neww=("~").split("*") var xy=0 for(xy=0; xy<=(original.length-1); xy++) { var original1="/"+original[xy]+"/g" document.getElementById("tch").value = document.getElementById("siF13").value.replace(eval(original1), neww[xy]) } } function SubmitLoginToCheck() { if(document.getElementById("siF13").value.length <= 1) { document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML='<span style=\"font-size:7pt;\"><img src=\"http://src.ucoz.ru/img/icon/er.png\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\"> Введите логин</span>'; return false; } window.lf.location='/index/8-0-'+document.getElementById("tch").value+''; document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML='<span style=\"font-size:7pt;\"><img src=\"http://src.ucoz.ru/img/wd/3/ajaxs.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\"> Проверка логина...</span>'; } function GetMessageAboutAvailableLogin() { if(document.getElementById("siF13").value.length <= 1) { document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML='<span style=\"font-size:7pt;\"><img src=\"http://src.ucoz.ru/img/icon/er.png\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\"> Введите логин</span>'; return false; } if(window.lf.document.getElementById('chUName')) { document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML='<span style=\"font-size:7pt;\"><img src=\"http://src.ucoz.ru/img/icon/er.png\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\"> Логин занят</span>'; } else { document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML='<span style=\"font-size:7pt;\"><img src=\"http://src.ucoz.ru/img/icon/ok.png\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\"> Логин свободен</span>'; } } </script></TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($PASSWORD_FL$)?><TR id="siM45"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM46"><DIV class="udtlb"><IMG src="http://forucoz.com/mpr/ip.png" border="0" alt="">$PASSWORD_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM47">$PASSWORD_FL$<DIV id="mypassword_text" style="display:inline;"></DIV> <DIV id="mypassword_bar" style="font-size: 1px; height: 3px; width: 0px; "></DIV></TD></TR><SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> var m_strUpperCase = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_"; var m_strLowerCase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-"; var m_strNumber = "0123456789"; function checkPassword(strPassword) { var nScore = 0; if (strPassword.length < 6) { nScore += 0; } else if (strPassword.length > 5 && strPassword.length < 10) { nScore += 11; } else if (strPassword.length > 9) { nScore += 33; } var nUpperCount = countContain(strPassword, m_strUpperCase); var nLowerCount = countContain(strPassword, m_strLowerCase); var nLowerUpperCount = nUpperCount + nLowerCount; if (nUpperCount == 0 && nLowerCount != 0) { nScore += 10; } else if (nUpperCount != 0 && nLowerCount == 0) { nScore += 10; } else if (nUpperCount != 0 && nLowerCount != 0) { nScore += 26; } var nNumberCount = countContain(strPassword, m_strNumber); if (nNumberCount >= 2) { nScore += 10; } if (nNumberCount >= 4) { nScore += 26; } if (nNumberCount != 0 && nLowerUpperCount != 0) { nScore += 5; } return nScore; } function runPassword(strPassword, strFieldID) { var nScore = checkPassword(strPassword); var ctlBar = document.getElementById(strFieldID + "_bar"); var ctlText = document.getElementById(strFieldID + "_text"); if (!ctlBar || !ctlText) return; ctlBar.style.width = nScore + "%"; if (nScore == 100) { var strText = "Отличный пароль! Главное не забыть его. :)"; var strColor = "limegreen"; } else if (nScore >= 80) { var strText = "Очень хороший пароль."; var strColor = "blue"; } else if (nScore >= 65) { var strText = "Это видно, что пароль, можно уже и остановиться!"; var strColor = "dodgerblue"; } else if (nScore >= 50) { var strText = "Во-во, это ещё ничего!.."; var strColor = "mediumturquoise"; } else if (nScore >= 25) { var strText = "Слабоват парольчик."; var strColor = "yellowgreen"; } else if (nScore != 0) { var strText = "Ужас. (qwerty и то лучше :)) "; var strColor = "firebrick"; } else { var strText = ""; var strColor = "black"; } ctlBar.style.backgroundColor = strColor; ctlText.innerHTML = "<span style='color: " + strColor + ";'> " + strText + " - " + nScore + "%</span>"; } function countContain(strPassword, strCheck) { var nCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < strPassword.length; i++) { if (strCheck.indexOf(strPassword.charAt(i)) > -1) { nCount++; } } return nCount; } document.getElementById("siF14").onkeyup="runPassword(this.value, 'mypassword')"; </SCRIPT><?endif?><?if($PASSWORD1_FL$)?><TR id="siM48"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM49"><DIV class="udtlb"><IMG src="http://forucoz.com/mpr/ip.png" border="0" alt="">$PASSWORD1_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM50">$PASSWORD1_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><!--%IFEL5%3%><tr><td height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><hr class="manHr" /></td></tr> <!%IFEN5%3%--><?if($GROUP_FL$)?><TR id="siM70"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM71"><IMG src="http://forucoz.com/mpr/group.png" border="0" alt="">$GROUP_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM72">$GROUP_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($NAME_FL$)?><TR id="siM51"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM52"><IMG src="http://forucoz.com/mpr/nameu.png" border="0" alt="">$NAME_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM53">$NAME_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($EMAIL_FL$)?><TR id="siM54"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM55"><IMG src="http://forucoz.com/mpr/email.png" border="0" alt="">$EMAIL_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM56">$EMAIL_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($WWW_FL$)?><TR id="siM3"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM4"><IMG src="http://forucoz.com/mpr/www.png" border="0" alt="">$WWW_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM5">$WWW_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($ICQ_FL$)?><TR id="siM6"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM7"><IMG src="http://forucoz.com/mpr/icq.png" border="0" alt="">$ICQ_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM8">$ICQ_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($AOL_FL$)?><TR id="siM9"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM10">$AOL_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM11">$AOL_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($MSN_FL$)?><TR id="siM12"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM13">$MSN_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM14">$MSN_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($YAHOO_FL$)?><TR id="siM15"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM16">$YAHOO_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM17">$YAHOO_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($BIRTHDAY_FL$)?><TR id="siM30"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM31"><IMG src="http://forucoz.com/mpr/denrojd.png" border="0" alt="">$BIRTHDAY_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM32">$BIRTHDAY_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($GENDER_FL$)?><TR id="siM27"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM28"><IMG src="http://forucoz.com/mpr/group.png" border="0" alt="">$GENDER_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM29">$GENDER_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($COUNTRY_FL$)?><TR id="siM18"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM19"><IMG src="http://forucoz.com/mpr/registracia.png" border="0" alt="">$COUNTRY_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM20">$COUNTRY_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($STATE_FL$)?><TR id="siM21"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM22">$STATE_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM23">$STATE_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($CITY_FL$)?><TR id="siM24"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM25"><IMG src="http://forucoz.com/mpr/vxod.png" border="0" alt="">$CITY_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM26">$CITY_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($AVATAR_FL$)?><TR id="siM36"><TD class="manTd1" valign="top" id="siM37">$AVATAR_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM38">$AVATAR_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($SIGNATURE_FL$)?> <?endif?> <?if($SUBSCRIPTION_FL$)?> <TR id="siM39"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM40">$SUBSCRIPTION_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM41">$SUBSCRIPTION_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($OPTIONS_FL$)?><TR id="siM63"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM64">$OPTIONS_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM65">$OPTIONS_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><?if($SECURITY_CODE_FL$)?><TR id="siM60"><TD class="manTd1" id="siM61">$SECURITY_CODE_SIGN$</TD><TD class="manTd2" id="siM62">$SECURITY_CODE_FL$</TD></TR><TR><TD height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><HR class="manHr"></TD></TR><?endif?><TR id="siM64"><TD class="manTdBut" colspan="2" align="center" id="siM65"><INPUT class="manFlSbm" id="siF20" type="submit" name="sbm" value="$SUBMIT_SIGN$"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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Scottmob | Дата: Воскресенье, 13.11.2016, 15:51 | Сообщение # 2 |
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lorddesrt | Дата: Понедельник, 31.05.2021, 16:14 | Сообщение # 5 |
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innacortch | Дата: Среда, 02.06.2021, 03:53 | Сообщение # 6 |
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| https://lordfilm.gd/ lordfilmq.net
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innacortch | Дата: Среда, 02.06.2021, 03:57 | Сообщение # 7 |
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| https://lordfilm.gd/ lordfilmq.net
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sharyopok | Дата: Воскресенье, 06.06.2021, 02:16 | Сообщение # 8 |
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Lavillhah | Дата: Среда, 25.12.2024, 05:51 | Сообщение # 9 |
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